fbpx Lion City | Entrakt

Lion City

FR/ Ancien centre logistique d'un grand groupe de distribution, ce site à fort potentiel offre de nombreux espaces de tailles variées pouvant accueillir plusieurs types d'activités : bureaux, ateliers, commerces, PME).

PLUS DE DÉTAILS sur les studios, les bureaux et les unités de PME sont disponibles ici.

ATTENTION: Ce projet est actuellement en phase de démarrage et compte tenu du nombre de candidatures, le délai d'attente avant de recevoir une réponse peut être de plusieurs semaines.

NL/ Dit voormalige logistiek centrum van een grote distributiegroep biedt ruimtes van verschillende grootte die geschikt zijn voor verschillende activiteiten: kantoren, ateliers, winkels, KMO-units).

MEER DETAILS over studio's, kantoren en KMO-units vind je hier.

OPGELET: Dit project zit momenteel in zijn opstartfase en gezien het aantal aanvragen kan de wachttijd voordat u antwoord krijgt oplopen tot enkele weken.

EN/ Former logistics center of a large distribution group, this high-potential site offers many spaces of varying sizes that can accommodate several types of activities: offices, workshops, retail, SME units).

MORE DETAILS about studios, offices and SME units can be found here.

ATTENTION: This project is currently in its start-up phase and given the number of applications, the waiting time before you receive a response may be several weeks.

Apply for this property
Public transports
Sockets 230V - Lighting - Windows - Natural Light
Internet - Garbage/Container collection - Cleaning Service
Lighting - Sockets 230V - Windows - Natural Light
Internet - Garbage/Container collection

Do you have any questions?

Would you like to register for this property? Or maybe you would rather receive some more information first?
Let us know! And we will contact you soon!

Please provide as much information as possible about the activity you wish to carry out. Applications with insufficient information will not be processed.

The more information you can give us, the faster we can find the right space for you.
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Our services 

Are you looking for a home to live in or a property for your office, shop or studio? Or do you have a specific question? We are here to help you!

Also as a property owner, you can count on our services! Do you opt for mere facility management, habitation or a temporary added value project? Or would you prefer a tailor-made service?

We are happy to advise you on your vacant property and will work with you to find a suitable solution.

Contact us